Friday, December 23, 2005

Snowball Fight!

ShadowHolm and Maji goofing off and having a snowball fight in the base.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Jet Packs

I was just wondering what you all thought about the jet packs. Kinda cool I think, but I can already fly so I don't realy need it.... However, I did notice that it takes NO end. to use it!
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Sunday, December 04, 2005

SG Teams

Just thought I'd share this pic of a few of us hanging out in the base before doing some missions together. There was quite a few of us online together tonight and I REALY enjoyed teaming up and knocking out a few mish. together! For those of you who have't had the pleasure, I HIGHLY recommend getting together anytime other members are on and doing the mish. together. That is why we are all teamed together afterall, to build relationships with each other and to help one another accomplish our goals together.
Anyways, I had a lot of fun and hope to see you all online together more often. Maybe we should try and set up a weekly scheduled time that we all try to meet up together. Send me an email or post a comment here with any suggestions.
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Link Page Added!

You ask and I will Deliver! I have added a links page to our site with the requested links. If anyone else has any links they would like to have added either post them here or email them to me.

Also - I am always open to suggestions on the website so if you don't see something you like, just ask and I'll see what I can do!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Welcome new members!

Hello guys, thanks for joining up as members of the blog. I am looking forward to seeing more post from you guys and getting some conversation flowing. Feel free to post any screenshots you want!

Anyone else can join the blog - just send me a pic of you in action so I can add you to the profile page and then I'll send you the invite! Hope to hear from you all soon!
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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Here is what I am planning on using to replace the similar grapic on our Home Page - What do you guys think? Posted by Picasa

Here is the newest member added to our profile page! All you have to do is email me a pic of you in action and I'll create your profile for you! Posted by Picasa